Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh every morning.
Lamentations 3:23
Yes, My name is Fawn…
Yes, I am a mama….

And yes, I have a life. Sometimes hectic, sometimes crazy, but that’s okay, I’m living life to the fullest.
I try to make the best of what I have and be creative with what resources I have available.
Although I was born in the Midwest and have lived in South Florida most of my life, I’m a Southern girl at heart (hence the slight twang in my voice). I love all things southern, except for the humidity, and hope my lifestyle shows it.
My husband (PK) and I have been married for over 30 years and together have a beautiful daughter, Meghan. And because of her, we have a wonderful son-in-law and have two beautiful grandchildren- a grandson and granddaughter, with one of the way. I love spending time with family more than just about anything in this world. They mean everything to me. I am so blessed.

My husband and I love to go to new places and try new things. We are always looking for new cities to visit and experience the culture. We are also BIG Disney fans. Living only a few hours away, we get to enjoy all that Walt Disney World has to offer.

I love to cook and try new recipes frequently. Chopping vegetables is therapeutic. Entertaining gives me a thrill. Planning meals and menus is so fulfilling and reading cookbooks are like reading novels. I get so much joy in doing all of this and that’s why I have decided to start this blog. I hope through this, you can get as much reward and joy that I have.
My house is the house everybody comes to during the holidays or special occasions, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’ve done small catering jobs such as bridal and baby showers, and also have catered a wedding cocktail party of 150, okay, maybe not so small. I love everything about it from the planning to the shopping to the preparation and production.

My personal life also consist of my faith in Jesus Christ. I’m very involved with my church and the lifestyle of a believer is vital to who I am. I love doing Bible Studies and singing and fellowshipping with others that are like-minded and always praying. I hope through this blog you will see the importance of my faith.
I love animals but absolutely love cats. Right now, I do not have any furry children but hopefully in the near future I will be able to give a couple a wonderful and loving home. I do have two grand-kitties, that I adore. As I said before I like to read cookbooks but I also like to read in general. If I not working or cooking or cleaning or at church or hosting or …… I am reading. I try to walk 4 to 6 miles a day at least 4 times a week. I’m thinking about starting an herb garden …and still thinking. Thank you for visiting and getting to know a little about me and I’m excited about meeting you. Virtual hugs to you all.