Mushroom, Broccoli & Prosciutto Flatbread

Mushroom, Broccoli & Prosciutto Flatbread

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. . . ” Psalm 51:10

Mushroom, Broccoli & Prosciutto Flatbread is a unique but delicious way to eat pizza.  Roasted broccoli, sauteed mushrooms and salty prosciutto adds so much flavor to the smokey gouda.  It’s a fun and quick way to have pizza night.

Pizza is always a nice dish to serve for the weekend or for getting together but messing with the pizza dough is sometimes tedious and doesn’t always turn out the way you were hoping.

That’s why I like using flatbreads.  They are already made, I usually can find them in the bakery or deli part of the supermarket and take them out of the package and they are ready.

Or you can make your own flatbread which is a little time consuming but absolutely delicious.  People will think you are quite fancy.  

What is Flatbread?

A flatbread is a bread made with flour, liquid (such as water or yogurt) salt and sometimes a leavening agent and then it is rolled into a flattened dough.

Flatbreads are some of the earliest foods going back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.  Clay ovens were used in the early ages and sometimes are still used.

Nowadays, almost every part of the world has their own special type of flatbread.  Commonly known to us are focaccia (Italy), lefse (Norway), Pita (Greece), Matzo (Israel), Chapati & Roti (India), and so on.

Why These Toppings?

Anybody can make a cheese pizza, if you really think about it.  Don’t get me wrong, I like a good cheese pizza but sometimes you just want to get a little gourmet or even what I would say  . . .bougie, especially if you want to impress someone and Mushroom, Broccoli and Prosciutto Flatbread is quite impressive.

Mushrooms–  I like mushrooms . . .a lot!  One of my favorite foods to eat and I think mushrooms are great on pizza with one little caveat. I don’t care for raw mushrooms on pizza.  I don’t like the texture once it’s been baked in the oven and for that reason, I saute the mushrooms before I put them on my flatbread.  It might be an extra step but it’s a well worth step because it really adds to the taste of the flatbread.

Broccoli–  I took a poll on Instagram a few months ago.  (I’m known for my polls on Instagram.  Follow me @lifewithmamafawn to see all my polls, recipes and stories.)  I asked what people’s favorite vegetable was and broccoli won by a landslide.

Saying that, I really like broccoli myself and I think it’s the best roasted.  It really brings out the depth of flavor and perfect with the combination of other ingredients.

Prosciutto–  Prosciutto literally translates to “ham” in Italian.  It is a ham that is aged in a dry curing process.  It has a nice salty and somewhat smokey flavor and a great compliment to the flatbread.

Smoked Gouda–  Gouda comes from the southern regions of the Netherlands.  It’s made from cow’s milk and is considered a semi-hard cheese.  The smoked version of the cheese has a slightly stronger flavor and is an excellent addition to the Mushroom, Broccoli and Prosciutto Flatbread.  You can find smoked gouda in the grocer’s deli or specialty cheese section of your store.

What Do I Need To Make Mushroom, Broccoli and Prosciutto Flatbread?

You will need 2 large baking sheets, small skillet, spatula, grater, knife, cutting board, measuring cups, and the following ingredients:

Mama Fawn’s Tips. . . 

  •  I used Tandoori Style flatbread for this recipe but you can use any type you prefer.  Sometimes I use Naan especially if you like more of a crispy type crust.
  • There are a couple of different types of garlic spread in my local supermarket.  One is a margarine/oil based that is typically not refrigerated and the other (which I rather like) is found in the refrigerated section where the butter and margarine is located.  Feel free to use whichever you prefer.
  • I like the earthiness of the baby bellas for this flatbread recipe but use whatever mushroom you enjoy.
  • I use smoked gouda for this recipe because it adds a dimension of flavor that goes well with the prosciutto but you can use regular gouda also.
  • You want to cut the broccoli florets into small pieces so it will roast all the way through.
  • Want a vegetarian flatbread?  Skip the prosciutto but you may want to sprinkle the flatbread with some kosher salt before baking to add that salty flavor you will lose.

Mushroom, Broccoli & Prosciutto Flatbread

Recipe by Fawn BusmanCourse: dinnerCuisine: MediterraneanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 8 oz. baby bellas, rinsed and sliced

  • 7 oz. garlic spread

  • ½ lb. sliced or shredded smoked gouda

  • 1 cup shredded cheddar

  • 2 cups broccoli florets, cut in small pieces

  • 4 oz. sliced prosciutto, torn in small pieces

  • 4 round flatbreads


  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
  • Line 2 large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • In a small skillet, add 1 tbsp of garlic spread and heat on medium-high heat. Once the garlic spread is melted, add the sliced baby bellas and cook for 10 minutes or until the mushrooms are brown and liquid has evaporated.
  • Place the two flatbread on each baking sheet. Spread the garlic spread on each flatbread until they are evenly covered.
  • Divide the rest of the ingredients into 4 equal parts.
  • Top each flatbread with the smoked gouda and then top the smoked gouda with the pieces of prosciutto, broccoli and cooked mushrooms. Add the shredded cheddar over the top of the flatbread and bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the prosciutto is crispy. Enjoy!

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