Mama Fawn’s Creamiest Mashed Potatoes

Mama Fawn’s Creamiest Mashed Potatoes

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. . . ” Colossians 4:2

Mama Fawn’s Creamiest Mashed Potatoes are no lie!  They are so creamy and buttery and the perfect side dish to your holiday or weeknight dinner.

My famous Mashed Potatoes. .  .

I know I am sounding kind of cocky to say my potatoes are famous, and you may even think I’m exaggerating BUT I’m not . . . if you ask my family (and friends). 😝

If you have ever been to my house for Thanksgiving dinner or for my Porcupine Meatball dinner then you know all about Mama Fawn’s Creamiest Mashed Potatoes.  My Mashed Potatoes are so popular that I have to cook at least 5 pounds of the spuds for Thanksgiving.

Of course, there are some of my family that do not like potatoes unless it’s in the shape of a french fry, but the majority do like the Mashed Potatoes.🙄

What makes these Mashed Potatoes so Creamy?

There are a few reasons that Mama Fawn’s Creamiest Mashed Potatoes are creamy.  

  1.  I use heavy cream.  Of course, you can use any kind of cream, but the heavy cream really gives you the creamy texture you want for a mashed potato.
  2. I use real butter and I make sure it’s room temperature.
  3. I don’t overcook the potatoes.  If you overcook them, they get too starchy (pasty).
  4. I use russet or yukon gold potatoes for my mashed potatoes.

What do I need to make Mama Fawn’s Creamiest Mashed Potatoes?

You will need a large pot (dutch oven), peeler, cutting board, knife, potato masher, colander and the following ingredients.

Mama Fawn’s Tips. . .

  •  Cutting the potatoes in small, uniformed cubes will help the potatoes cook quickly and consistently.
  • I believe using heavy cream makes the best and creamiest potatoes, but feel free to use half & half or milk instead.
  • Using the best ingredients will give you the best mashed potatoes.
  • Make sure the potatoes are in cold water before you cook them.
  • When I have peeled my potatoes, I keep them in water while I am cutting them to stop them from turning brown.
  • I set out the butter and heavy cream before I begin prepping and cooking the potatoes so the chill is off of these ingredients.
  • Serve the potatoes immediately.

Mama Fawn’s Creamiest Mashed Potatoes

Recipe by Fawn BusmanCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 2 ½ lb. potatoes, peeled and cubed

  • 2 tsp. Kosher salt

  • 4 tbsp. Butter, room temperature

  • ¼-½ cup heavy cream, room temperature


  • Place the peeled and cubed potatoes in a large pot (dutch oven) of cold water. Add the salt. Turn heat to high and bring the water to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked through. Do not overcook.
  • Drain potatoes in a colander.
  • In a large mixing bowl, add the drained potatoes, butter and a ¼ cup of heavy cream. With a potato masher, mash the potatoes until they are smooth (or desired consistency). Add more heavy cream if the potatoes are too dry or stiff. Season to taste. Add extra butter, if desired. Serve immediately. Enjoy!
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