Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. . . ” Matthew 6:34

Deviled Eggs are one of the essential side dishes to any Southern picnic or barbecue.

I believe I have been making these Deviled Eggs since I was a teenager.  It’s one of my favorite side dishes and one of the easiest.  Of course, throughout the years, I have tweaked it to what it is now but this recipe originally came from my mom and maybe even my grandmother. . . how cool is that!!!!

What Are Deviled Eggs?

Deviled Eggs are hard boiled eggs that are stuffed with a creamy filling made with the yolks.

These delicious eggs are always part of the dinner menu for Easter and Christmas.  Deviled Eggs are also the perfect accompaniment for a picnic or a summer barbecue.  It’s almost like they are expected to be there.

Just because they are called Deviled Eggs, does not mean they are evil, although my husband does call them Satan Eggs because of what the eggs smell like once peeled and cut…  😂 but that is beside the point.  To devil means to prepare with hot or savory seasoning thereby creating a “deviled” dish.  

Deviled Eggs

What Do I Need to Make Deviled Eggs?

A medium saucepan, mixing bowl, measuring cups, measuring spoons, mixing spoon, knife, platter or dish and the following ingredients:

Mama Fawn’s Tips. .  .

  •  When boiling the eggs, make sure the eggs are not crowding each other and in a single layer.  This ensures even cooking.
  • Do not try to peel the eggs until they are completely cooled, either with ice water or the refrigerator.
  • When peeling the eggs, gently crack the shell.  Being too rough could split the egg white.
  • When removing the egg yolks, be careful not to tear the egg white.
  • This recipe calls for yellow mustard but my grandmother made it with dijon mustard and it was quite tasty.
  • I garnish the deviled egg with paprika but if you are making them as an appetizer, topping them with sliced olives, crisp bacon or if you want to go fancy, a little caviar and chive would be a crowd pleaser.
  • I usually make deviled eggs the day before to make sure the ingredients are ‘married’ and the eggs are quite chilled.
  • Deviled eggs need to be refrigerated until time to serve, and leftover (if there are any) goes right back to stay cold.

Deviled Eggs

Recipe by Fawn BusmanCourse: Appetizers, Side DishCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



These bundles to flavor is essential to any picnic or barbecue.


  • 6 eggs

  • ¼ cup mayonnaise

  • 1 tbsp yellow mustard

  • 1 tbsp sweet pickle relish

  • Paprika for garnish


  • Place the eggs in a medium size saucepan and cover them with cold water so that all the eggs are submerged. Bring the water to a boil over high heat. As soon as the water begins to boil, turn off the heat and cover the pan. Take the pan off the burner and let set for 15 minutes.
  • After the fifteen minutes, drain the eggs and transfer to ice cold water to stop the cooking. Leave the eggs until they are completely cooled, about 15 minutes, before you peel them.
  • Once the eggs have cooled completely, peel them and slice them in half lengthwise. Carefully, scoop the yolk out to a small bowl with a spoon and place the egg whites on the platter or plate you will be serving them on.
  • Mash the yolks with a fork and add the mayonnaise, mustard and sweet pickle relish and stir until everything is smooth.
  • Using a teaspoon, fill with the egg mixture and add to the hole of each egg white. Sprinkle on the paprika for garnish.
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