Chocolate Croissant Pudding

Chocolate Croissant Pudding

Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge. . .” Proverbs 14:26

A lot of people are intimidated by making bread pudding.  It seems time consuming and a considerable amount of work but it really isn’t at all.  Most of the work is cubing the bread and that really doesn’t take that much time at all.  The custard is simple with only a few ingredients and in a matter of minutes, you have a pudding ready for the oven.  I guess the hardest part is in the waiting for it to finish baking.  It’s usually in the oven for 30-45 minutes depending on the bread and casserole dish you are using.

I already have one bread pudding on my blog (link to Cranberry Eggnog Bread Pudding) that we served for Christmas dinner last year.  Chocolate Croissant Bread Pudding can be served all year long.  Looking for an easy but impressive dessert?  This is the dessert.  You can make it fancy by serving it with homemade whipped cream or some ice cream.  Or just by sprinkling some powdered sugar on top while it is still hot.

Why Did I Use Croissants?

You can use any day-old bread for bread pudding so I decided to use croissants in the Chocolate Croissant Pudding.  For a couple of reasons, first is because I had a lot of it leftover and I didn’t want it to go to waste and two, you can’t go wrong with a buttery, flaky croissant.  I was not disappointed.

The custard is a little different since I used melted chocolate in it.  Just an extra step but not difficult at all.  The melted butter adds a richness.  Butter always makes everything better.  😉  But what makes Chocolate Croissant Pudding extra special is the coffee liqueur that is added to the custard.  I use Kahlua but any chocolate or coffee liqueur will do.  Don’t worry, the amount of coffee liqueur I put in it doesn’t make it taste boozy, just something extraordinary.  You can definitely add more if you desire.

Most bread puddings add milk or cream to their custard.  Since I was looking for a deep chocolate flavor, I decided to use chocolate milk.  This just adds another dimension of flavor to it.  You can use regular whole milk if you prefer, just won’t have the intense chocolate flavor that the chocolate milk gives.

Give Chocolate Croissant Pudding a try when you are looking for a new dessert.  I think you are really going to love how easy it is and absolutely delicious it is.

Mama Fawn’s Tips…

  •  Make sure you use day old croissants for this recipe or the custard will turn it into mush.
  • You can use other buttery bread if you don’t have croissants but remember it can’t be called Chocolate ‘Croissant’ Pudding.  🙂
  • I used a hershey chocolate bar for this recipe but any chocolate will do, even chocolate chips.
  • Want your croissant pudding to be more ‘boozy’, then add more liqueur.
  • Butter your baking dish generously, the pudding sticks easily.
  • Add whipped cream or ice cream to the warm pudding to make it extra special.
  • If you don’t have chocolate milk on hand, feel free to use regular whole milk.
  • If you prefer not to put the liqueur in the batter just substitute it with the same amount of vanilla.

Chocolate Croissant Pudding

Recipe by Fawn BusmanCourse: RecipesCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 2.6 oz chocolate bar

  • 2 tbsp butter

  • 6 cups day old croissants, cubed

  • 2 cups chocolate milk

  • ⅓ cup sugar

  • 2 eggs, beaten

  • 2 tbsp kahlua, or any coffee or chocolate liqueur


  • Heat oven to 350 degrees.
  • In a small bowl, add butter and chocolate chunks and place into the microwave. Heat on HIGH for 30 seconds. Take out of the microwave, carefully, and stir butter and chocolate until it is melted and well combined. Let cool.
  • In a large bowl, mix milk, sugar, kahlua, and melted chocolate until well combined. Add the beaten eggs and mix until all ingredients are combined. You will see specks of chocolate. That is fine.
  • Place the cubed croissants into a baking dish that has been generously buttered.
  • Pour custard over the cubed croissants. Press the croissants down into the custard to make sure all the croissants are saturated with the custard.
  • Bake for 30 minutes or until custard is set and edges have browned. Serve warm or at room temperature. Enjoy!

4 thoughts on “Chocolate Croissant Pudding

  1. This sounds so delicious. I can’t wait to try it. Bread pudding isn’t mom’s favorite desert and her birthday is coming up I think we will be having this

  2. Mmmmm!! This bread pudding is just screaming for a big scoop (or two) of vanilla ice cream! Yes, please!!

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