Strawberry Lime Jam

Strawberry Lime Jam

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. . .” Acts 4:12

There are a few things that remind me of summer and strawberries are one of them.  

The strawberries are plentiful so you can usually get them on sale  😉 and being in season, they are nice and juicy.  BUT… sometimes you have too many and before you can enjoy them they get too ripe (and mushy) and you end up having to discard them.  Such a shame!  But I have a beautiful and yummy recipe that uses those extra ripe berries and you can enjoy them for a little more time.  Strawberry Lime Jam!  It’s a mixture of sweet and tart and the perfect condiment for toast, biscuits or even pancakes (which is what my mom does).  I think it would be great on ice cream also!!!!

Now don’t fret about making jam.  I know you are probably thinking ‘there’s no way I can make jam!’  With Strawberry Lime Jam, you only need a knife, measuring cup, a saucepan and something to zest the lime.  No pectin.  No jelly jars, or canning equipment.  The lime juice is actually the thickening agent in the jam so everything is pure, no additives or preservatives. You can feel good about what you are eating.  The sweetener in the Strawberry Lime Jam is honey so again you’re using a natural sweetener.

The first time I made Strawberry Lime Jam I used the juice of one lime.  I like the tartness of limes and I didn’t think one lime brought out the tartness that I prefer so the second time I made the jam, I used 2 limes and absolutely loved the taste.  As the jam is cooled in the refrigerator, it will thicken and the tartness will be a little more subdued.  If you rather have a sweeter jam, use only one lime.  

Strawberry Lime Jam is a nice way to enjoy those beautiful strawberries that are so bountiful in the summer.  Give it a try.  I believe you won’t be disappointed.

Mama Fawn’s Tips…

  • Using ripe strawberries will make your jam sweet and easy to mash.
  • If you prefer a less tart jam, then use the juice of only one lime.
  • To mix up different tastes, feel free to use a different flavor of honey.  I use clover honey but orange blossom honey would be nice with this jam.  Or if  you are from the South, Tupelo honey may be plentiful.  
  • When zesting the lime, make sure you remove the colored part of the skin only.  The ‘white pith’ can taste bitter.
  • Refrigerate the jam after it’s been completely cooled.  
  • Because there aren’t any preservatives, use the jam within the week.
  • To mash the strawberries, I use a potato masher but a fork will do just fine.

Strawberry Lime Jam

Recipe by Fawn BusmanCourse: CondimentCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 1 lb Strawberries, stemmed and sliced

  • ¼ cup honey

  • 2 limes


  • Zest one lime and juice both limes.
  • Add sliced strawberries, honey, lime juice and lime zest in a medium saucepan. Over high heat, bring ingredients to a boil. Once the strawberry mixture is boiling, begin to mash the strawberries. Turn the heat down to medium and continue to boil for 6-8 minutes until the fruit mixture has thickened. Remove from heat and let cool. Place in a tight fitting container or jar and use within a week. Enjoy!
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