Strawberry & Cream Biscuits

Strawberry & Cream Biscuits

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. . .” Psalm 69:30

A sweet and tender biscuit that is full of strawberries perfect for that afternoon cup of coffee or tea.

One thing about me that I sometimes find annoying is that when I get an idea in my mind, I am absolutely obsessed with it.  Day and night I will think about it.  That’s how a lot of my recipes come about.  Sometimes I can go weeks without thinking about recipes and then all of a sudden, recipe after recipe comes to this brain of mine.  That’s how Strawberry & Cream Biscuits came to ‘fruit’ion. (sometimes my corny jokes make me laugh so hard).

Actually, it was making Strawberry Lime Jam that had me creating the Strawberry & Cream Biscuits.  I had this delicious jam but I wanted to do something more with it than eating it on toast so I said to myself ‘I need to make something with this jam’.  And hence Strawberry & Cream Biscuits!!!!

When I first made this, I thought it tasted good, but wasn’t too excited about how it looked.  It looked like a pink blob.  Then I let one of my tasters try it and he said he didn’t care for it.  I liked it so I was a little disappointed.  So I let a couple of my other tasters try it and they liked it a lot.  But one said it didn’t taste like a biscuit but a ‘muffin top’.  So now I’m a little frustrated.  One didn’t like the taste, one didn’t think it was a biscuit and I didn’t like how it looked.  The one taster liked it all. (She’s my favorite 😉  ).

So I decided to tweak the recipe. I pretty much made it the same but was going to ‘swirl’ the jam into the dough instead of mixing it all together with the dough.  When I tried making the dough without the jam, it was too crumbly for my liking, so I decided to add some extra cream.  I was a little worried that it would be too soggy or dry once it was baked, but I had to give it a try.  Then I swirled the jam in the dough, making sure there were streaks of jam in the dough.  I spooned the dough onto the baking sheet and baked them, hoping they would come out okay.  Guess what?  I was very pleased with how they turned out.  Not only did they still taste good but  they looked good too.

Now I had to decide what to call them.  I told my daughter that maybe I will call them a scone.  She told me that scones are dry and crumbly and these were not.  (She’s still my favorite).  So what are they?  A scone?  A Muffin Top?  Nope.  They are a biscuit and I’m sticking to it.

Strawberry & Cream Biscuits are so easy to make and so tasty and tender that you’re going to want to make them all the time.  Make a batch early in the week and you have a quick breakfast or snack during the day.  

Mama Fawn’s Tips. . .

  • Obviously, I use my homemade Strawberry Lime Jam for this recipe, but feel free to use your own or even a store bought will do.
  • Do not over mix the dough or you will have a dry biscuit, and we wouldn’t want that.
  • Do not mix the jam into dough.  You want to ‘swirl’ it or you will have a pink blob.  It will still taste good, but it will not look so good.
  • Make sure you mix the dry ingredients well before adding the cream.
  • These biscuits do not brown on the top so be aware of over baking them.

Link to Strawberry Lime Jam

Strawberry & Cream Biscuits

Recipe by Fawn BusmanCourse: BreakfastCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 2 cups flour

  • ⅓ cup sugar

  • 1 tbsp baking powder

  • ½ tsp salt

  • 1 ¼ cup heavy cream

  • ½ cup strawberry jam

  • Extra cream for brushing

  • Link to Strawberry Lime Jam


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • In a large bowl, add the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Mix well.
  • Add 1 ¼ cup cream to the dry ingredients and stir until soft dough forms. Do not overmix.
  • Swirl the jam into dough, making sure there are streaks throughout the dough. Do not mix the jam into the dough.
  • Using a large spoon, drop the dough onto the lined baking sheet. Brush the tops of the biscuits with the extra cream. Bake the biscuits for 15 minutes. Transfer to a rack to cool completely.
  • Serve with butter or extra jam or just by itself. Enjoy!

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