Black Bean Tostadas

Black Bean Tostadas

A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. . .” John 13:34

Why Black Bean Tostadas?

I came up with Black Bean Tostadas for two reasons.  (1) because I wanted something easy to fix during the summer that was light and flavorful and (2) I wanted to try a new seasoning (to me) that I found in my grocery store.  😉  

So what is this seasoning I’ve been intrigued about?  It’s called Tajin and it really has a delightful taste.  One of my dearest friends, Kelly, first brought this to my attention.  I had asked a question on my Instagram stories and Kelly said she liked Tajin on whatever I asked.  I told her I never heard of it and she began to explain what it was. Then a few months later, I was watching something on Instagram, and the video used the same seasoning, so I had to give it a try.  I was and am delightfully pleased that I gave it a try.  

*NOTE- follow me on Instagram at Lifewithmamafawn to see everything that is going on with my life.

So what is Tajin? 

According to an article I found on the internet, it is a popular condiment that contains a blend of dried chile peppers, dehydrated lime and sea salt.  Although it has a combination of three peppers, this seasoning isn’t spicy at all. It has a citrusy and salty taste to it without a weird aftertaste at all.  Anyone who knows me, knows I do not like spicy food.  My opinion is that it has a perfect balance of the peppers, lime and salt.  

Black Bean Tostadas are great to fix because the corn tortillas are baked and not fried.  I’m not a fan of frying mainly because of the mess.  Because we all know fried food is the bomb.  Frying looks like a bomb hit my kitchen.  

Black Bean Tostadas are also vegetarian.  Omit the cheese and you have a total vegan meal.
I top the Black Bean Tostadas with a salad I use to make my Bible Study group when I was bringing dinner every week.  The salad had onions and cucumbers in it, but I thought I would go a little simple and omit them.  (I’m not a fan of raw onions).  It’s quite simple and very tangy and refreshing.

You are not only going to enjoy fixing Black Bean Tostadas, but it’s fun eating them.  I believe this would be a great dish to serve at a party, because it’s pretty much finger food.  Just make sure you have a lot of napkins.

Mama Fawn’s Tips…

  •  To make these appetizer size, use the ‘street taco’ size.
  • Tajin has a smokey saltiness to it, this is why I did not season the black beans.
  • Pepper Jack cheese would be wonderful on these tostadas, giving it some spice.
  • If you don’t cilantro, feel free to omit it completely, or substitute it with parsley.
  • Be careful spreading the black beans on the hot tortillas, trust me on this. :;
  • You can use refried beans instead of the black beans if that is what you prefer.
  • Don’t have a food processor or like a chunkier consistency of the bean, use a potato masher or a fork to mash the beans.
  • For a vegan tostada, omit the cheese.
Black Bean Tostadas

Black Bean Tostadas

Recipe by Fawn BusmanCourse: DinnerCuisine: MexicanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 6 corn tortillas

  • Vegetable oil

  • Tajin seasoning or Chile and Lime Seasoning

  • 1 15 oz. black beans, drained

  • 1 cup monterey jack cheese, shredded

  • 1 large tomato, chopped

  • 1 avocado, chopped

  • 1 cup cilantro, lightly packed and chopped

  • ¼ tsp salt

  • Juice of half lime

  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
  • Place the corn tortillas on a baking sheet and rub each tortilla with some vegetable oil on both sides. Lightly sprinkle the Tajin seasoning over one side of the tortilla. Place in the oven for 8 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, place the black beans into a food processor and puree the beans to desired consistency. You can use a potato masher, if you do not have a food processor.
  • In a bowl, add the tomatoes, avocado, cilantro, salt, lime juice and olive oil and mix well. Set aside.
  • Remove the tortillas out of the oven and flip the tortillas over. Carefully, spread about 2 teaspoons over the tortillas. Sprinkle evenly with the cheese and transfer to the oven and bake an additional 2-3 minutes until the cheese is melted.
  • Top the avocado salad over the tortillas. Enjoy!

5 thoughts on “Black Bean Tostadas

  1. These tostadas were delicious!!I especially liked the salsa topping; so fresh tasting! Another winner!!

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