Egg Muffins

Egg Muffins

Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:24

One thing about holiday meals is usually you have a lot of leftovers.  Despite liking leftovers, sometimes I get tired of eating the same thing night after night, meal after meal.  That is why I’m always trying to find new ways to make the best of my leftovers and Egg Muffins are a great way of making something new from something ‘old’.  

  Eggs, obviously, is a breakfast food but you really can eat them any time of the day.  Egg Muffins can be prepared and eaten that day or you can freeze them for another time and just microwave them when you are ready.  

I took leftover cheese (from a charcuterie), vegetables (from a crudite platter) and bacon and made these delicious and fulfilling muffins.  You can use any type of cheese, vegetable or meat for these.  Whatever your taste buds desires.

Here are some tips on making Egg Muffins:

  • If using raw vegetables, make sure you either saute or roast them before adding to egg mixture, unless you like a crisp veggie with your eggs.  I believe sauteing or roasting adds so much flavor also.
  • If you are using meat, make sure it’s cooked.  If not, your muffin will be greasy and the meat will not be properly cooked.
  • Make sure your meat is chopped.  You don’t want big pieces.  It could be hard to eat.  Same thing with the veggies.
  • If using cheese, either shred or cut the cheese in small pieces. This will help the cheese to be incorporated throughout the muffin and it also helps with the ‘meltiness’.   
  • Fresh herbs would also be yummy in these muffins but a little in each cup.  You don’t want overwhelming flavors.
  • I usually use 2% milk in all my recipes, but feel free to use any type of milk.

Ingredients for Bacon & Cheese Egg Muffins

8 slices crisp bacon

6 tablespoons cheese, shredded or chopped

10 eggs, beaten

¼ cup milk


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Generously grease standard size muffin cup tin.  

Combine all the ingredients until well mixed.  With a ¼  measuring cup, pour the egg mixture into each individual cup, making sure they are equally filled.  

Bake in preheated oven for about 20 minutes until eggs are set. 

Run a knife around the edges of muffin cups and lift each muffin out of the pan.  


Yields:  12 muffins

Ingredients for Broccoli & Cheese Egg Muffins

1 cup broccoli, roasted *and chopped

6 tablespoon of swiss cheese, shredded or chopped

10 eggs, beaten

¼ cup milk


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Generously grease standard size muffin cup tin.

Combine all ingredients until well mixed.  With a ¼ measuring cup, pour the egg mixture into each individual cup, making sure they are equally filled.

Bake in preheated oven for about 20 minutes until eggs are set.

Run a knife around the edges of muffin cups and lift each muffin out of the pan.  

*To roast broccoli- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Spread broccoli on a baking sheet in a single layer and drizzle about 1 tbsp of olive oil and ½ tsp salt and toss.  Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for about 15 minutes until the florets are browned around the edges.

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