Steak Tips

Steak Tips

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken…Psalm 55:22

Steak Tips are so delicious and easy to make.  With a few ingredients, you can make any steak so tender and flavorful.  I actually put the steak tips on skewers and broil them for just a few minutes.  You can marinate this steak as little as 20 minutes and up to 24 hours.  The actual prep time is small and you can have a delightful meal on your table for less time and effort.

Add a starch and a veggie and you have a complete meal.  I usually serve steak tips with rice and roasted zucchini but fix what best suits your palate.

You do not have to use skewers.  I find this very easy because you have to turn your steak once and having it on the skewers makes it very easy.  Make sure if you do use bamboo skewers, you soak them for at least 20 minutes or you will have charred skewers which makes it hard to handle.  Also a good tip is to make sure your oven is on broil for about 15 minutes before broiling the steak.  It just makes it cook faster and evenly.  You can definitely grill these.  It will only take minutes to cook.  

Also, I have used two different types of steak, one a less expensive top sirloin and one a New York Strip and both were wonderful.  Make sure you trim any fat and tough pieces and cut them in one inch size chunks.  Depending on how you like your steak cooked is how long you are going to broil them.  If you want your steak well-done then I usually cook them for about 9 minutes.  If you want them more medium, cook them for only 5-7 minutes.  Let them set for a few minutes after taking them out of the broiler to keep those juices in your steak. 

For the marinade, feel free to substitute vegetable oil instead of olive oil and any flavor of vinegar would work.  You like balsamic?  That would be great in this marinade.  The worcestershire sauce and the steak seasonings really make this marinade.


2 tbsp. Olive oil

1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tbsp.  White vinegar

1 ½ tsp. Montreal Steak Seasonings


1 lb. steak, trimmed of fat and cut into bite size chunks; about 1 inch.

Combine olive oil, worcestershire sauce, vinegar, and steak seasonings and whisk well.

In a ziploc bag, place steak and marinade and close, trying to get as much air out of the bag.  Massage the meat to make sure all the marinade is over the steak.  Chill for 20 minutes, up to 24 hours.  

Preheat broiler for at least 15 minutes.  Take steak out of the refrigerator and thread the steak on the skewers.  (Remember, if using bamboo skewers, soak in water for at least 20 minutes).  Make sure the steak is not touching each other so that the meat can broil evenly. Place skewers on a foil lined baking sheet.  Put the baking sheet on the top rack in the oven and broil for 5 minutes.  Carefully, take meat out and turn the meat and cook for another 2-4 minutes, depending on how well your meat is cooked.

Yields:  3-4 servings

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