Frito Pie

Frito Pie

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know…Jeremiah 33:3

Living in Texas as a child, one of my fondest ‘food’ memories is going to school and having Frito Pie.  I thought it was one of the most delicious foods I’ve ever eaten.  Which that’s saying something since my mom was (and is) an amazing cook but there was just something about that Frito Pie served in the school cafeteria.   

Once I moved to South Florida, I never saw it in the school cafeteria.  It was kind of sad because sometimes  Frito Pie was the only thing to look forward to going to school.  

But….now I can make it myself and when I have left over chili, you can better believe that is what I do.

The history of Frito Pie dates back to our country in about the 1940’s.  Also, it is believed to be created by the mother of the founder of the Frito Corporation.  We really don’t know if all that is true but that’s okay.  I’m thankful for whoever produced this yummy dish. 

Sometimes Frito pie is referred to as ‘walking taco’ or ‘taco in a bag’ since you can make it by adding the ingredients to a bag of Fritos.  I have recently seen it at our local fair the last couple of years as ‘taco in a bag’.

This recipe can be as simple as mixing all the ingredients and eating as is or you can fancy it up by putting it all in a baking dish and heating it up that way.  You can make it a loaded Frito Pie by adding all your favorite toppings.  Do whatever your taste buds desire. This is one dish that says ‘comfort’ for me and I do hope you enjoy it!


1 cup of corn chips

½ cup Mama Fawn’s chili (heated, if eating as is)

¼ cup shredded monterey jack cheese


Place corn chips in a bowl and add heated chili.  Sprinkle with shredded cheese and enjoy!

Yields: 1 serving

If you want to make this as a casserole, place corn chips in a casserole dish and top with chili then the shredded cheese and bake at 350 degrees until dish is fully heated and cheese is melted.  

To jazz up your pie, add sour cream and jalapenos or anything else your heart desires.

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