

And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus…Philippians 4:7

Living in South Florida, it’s hard to get into all the ‘Fall’ hype when it is still above 90 degrees in September and still watching the tropics for storms and hurricanes.  Although you want that pumpkin spice latte and to be able to open the windows to let that crisp, cool air in your house, it’s not happening.  Sure, we get the fall decor out and pray a cool front will come through and bring the temperature down to the high 80’s but sometimes we don’t even see that until the middle of October, if we are fortunate.  I’m dreaming of the days when my husband can retire and we can move out of South Florida and experience season changes but until then, we embrace what we have.  Saying all that, most likely you won’t see a lot of typical ‘fall recipes’ here…but you will see what we do welcome and that is “Game Day”.  Yep, PK loves himself some football and he goes all out for it.  

My husband is a big FSU fan.  His brother graduated from there and also my sister-in-law.  My husband makes sure he wears his jersey every Saturday the Seminoles are playing and sometimes has some decor around the house. My son-in-law is an UF alumni and very proud of his ‘gators’.  The Saturday after Thanksgiving is “rivalry weekend’ at our house.  My husband decorates half the living room with ‘nole’ paraphernalia while the other half of the room is ‘gator’.  It’s quite atrocious, if you ask me, but it does make our time festive.  

The last couple of years, we have had Harrison’s parents over also and really make a time of it.  Since I don’t really care for football (I know, I know), I spend most of my time in the kitchen making ‘game day’ goodies for everyone to enjoy. This Chili recipe is a great dish to make because it is so versatile.  You can serve it as is, with a multiple of toppings or you can use it and make totally different recipes. 

This Chili is so easy to make and most likely you already have most of the ingredients on hand.

P. S.  When my daughter and (future) son-in-law were in high school, our family would go to most of the home games.  Of course, Meghan would go and hang out with friends (or Harrison) and my husband and I would sit and ‘watch’ the game.  Actually, PK would watch the game. I, on the other hand, would bring a tote bag full of cook books and magazines and read them while the game was going on.  No joking!  

P. S. S  Since Meghan isn’t a big football fan either, usually we sit at the table and play some kind of phone game with each other until the game is over.  It’s okay.  We still get to enjoy everyone’s company and definitely get to eat all the yummy food.   


2 lb. ground beef

1 medium onion, chopped

3 garlic cloves, minced

2 tbsp. Chili powder

3 (8 oz) tomato sauce

2 tbsp. Hot sauce

1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

4 cups beef broth


Cook ground beef and onion in a dutch oven over medium heat until meat is no longer pink, stirring occasionally.  Drain.  Return beef and onion to the pan and add minced garlic and chili powder and cook for a minute.

Add tomato sauce and hot sauce and cook for another minute. Add the worcestershire and broth and bring to a boil.  Cover and reduce to low and simmer for 1 1/2 hours and then uncovered for ½ hour.

Yield: 8 cups

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